The American Legion Mount Holly Post 11’s beautiful 89th ceremony honoring Captain Emilio Carranza took place last Saturday in Wharton State Forest. Members of Captain Carranza’s family, dignitaries from the Mexican Embassy in Washington, DC, the Ballet Folklorico de Mexico, members of the Medford American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Civil Air Color Guard, local Scout troops, and rescue squad members joined in the remembrance of the Mexican aviator-hero. Elegant sashes adorned the floral wreaths with respects from the Carranza family, the ballet, other American Legion Posts, Sons of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Civil Air Patrol, and families, businesses, communities, and friends from Burlington County, the state, and beyond. Thanks to the dedication of Post 11 and long-term participants, it was wonderful to see more attendees this year.
Carranza Park with the monument to the captain and floral adornments has changed significantly since the American Legionnaires of Mount Holly Post 11 answered the call for aid in 1928. “In this desolate spot,” reads the Legion’s press release, ”was born the Post’s program of international amity.” (The New York Times, 2002) The occasion for the search was somber, but the Pinelands today has a distinct beauty that one appreciates more with each visit. Next year will be the 90th anniversary of Captain Carranza’s death and donations that directly support the ceremony and the preservation of the captain’s monument are most welcome. If you wish to support this commemoration, kindly send a check to: Mount Holly Post 11, PO Box 711, Mount Holly NJ 08060.

Members of the Ballet Folklorico Mexicano de Nueva York
Attendees were cordially invited to see the Ballet Folklorico of New York perform afterwards at a luncheon at where fundraising films, books, and materials commemorating the captain were available. (For commemorative items and more information about Captain Emilio Carranza, visit: The dancers delighted everyone by bringing audience members up to join them. The New York-based group announced that they will be performing dances from the annual Guelaguetza in Oaxaca on Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn, all day on July 30th to support the park. For more information about this event, visit the Facebook page of the Ballet Forklorico Mexicano de Nueva York
La Legión Americana La 89 ceremonia hermosa del poste 11 del soporte Holly que honra al capitán Emilio Carranza ocurrió el sábado pasado en el bosque del estado de Wharton. Miembros de la familia del capitán Carranza, dignatarios de la Embajada de México en Washington, DC, el Ballet Folklórico de México, miembros de la Legión Americana Medford y Veteranos de Guerras Extranjeras, tropas Scouts locales y miembros del escuadrón de rescate se unieron al recuerdo del aviador mexicano -héroe. El próximo año será el 90 aniversario de la muerte del capitán Carranza y las donaciones que apoyan directamente la ceremonia y la preservación del monumento del capitán son bienvenidas. Si desea apoyar esta conmemoración, envíe un cheque a: Mount Holly Post 11, PO Box 711, Mount Holly NJ 08060.
Los asistentes fueron cordialmente invitados a ver el Ballet Folklorico de Nueva York realizar después en un almuerzo en donde las películas de recaudación de fondos, libros y materiales que conmemoraban al capitán estaban disponibles. (Para artículos conmemorativos y más información sobre el capitán Emilio Carranza en espanol, visite: Los bailarines deleitaron a todos reuniendo a los miembros de la audiencia para unirse a ellos. El grupo con sede en Nueva York anunció que presentará danzas de la Guelaguetza anual en Oaxaca en Cadman Plaza, Brooklyn, todo el día el 30 de julio para apoyar el parque. Para más información sobre este evento, visite la página de Facebook del Ballet Forklorico Mexicano de Nueva York (Google translator.)
Mount Holly
As a means of a thank you, had the pleasure of returning to picturesque Mount Holly for a brief visit where visitors receive friendly hellos while walking around the town named for its holly trees. Town proud, new sidewalks, murals, and development are happening everywhere, and house proud, many people were out tending to their charming historic homes on the sunny afternoon in the seat of Burlington County, which our family first knew as the hometown of Franco Harris when we cheered for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Mount Holly, site of the Battle of Iron Works Hill, two days before the Battle of Trenton, has points of interest ranging from historic Revolutionary War sites to the state-of-the-art campus of Rowan College at Burlington County. RCBC includes a culinary arts program, a student-run restaurant, and an art gallery right in the center of town. On this late Saturday afternoon, shoppers from both New Jersey and Philadelphia, the latter just a 40 minute drive, were finishing up in the Mill Race Village shops in the historic downtown district, which includes architectural styles from the early 1700’s through the late 1800’s. Shoppers were stepping out to go to the popular pizzeria on High Street and all the restaurants throughout the downtown.
If you will be attending the nearby Burlington County Farm Fair, July 18th-22nd, in Columbus, New Jersey, consider stopping by for a warm Mount Holly “hello”.

Mount Holly, New Jersey
Posted on “Writing New Jersey Life” July 13, 2017 All Rights Reserved © 2017 Kathleen Helen Levey
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